Be Patient, You Will Soon Fly.

The butterflies are some of the most beautiful and adored insects in the world. They are mostly seen in the spring and summer, flying among the colorful flowers. Just a glimpse at them brings an appreciation of the power of God expressed through nature.

Do you know the butterfly, though born with the ability to fly, does not fly right after birth? They are actually born crawling. They crawl in the bushes, the backyard and our gardens as caterpillars. At that stage of their lives, no one really cares about them. They are not called beautiful and if you should see one of them around your house, you probably will step on it to death.

But within a couple of days, they develop wings and begin to fly. Maybe you believe with all your heart that you were born to fly but you are currently crawling. Please don’t be discouraged, You will fly when the time is right.

Keep doing what you can, where you are. You don’t have to start big. But you must start with what you have and work to the top. The ability to multiply resources has been given to you by God and when you realize the great potentials in you and work on them, you can live to fulfill your dreams and live the life God has called you to live.

Don’t stop, don’t give up and don’t detour from your path to greatness. Bring the giant in you out one step at a time. You will fly someday, but if all you can do now is crawl, Keep pushing patiently because when the time is right, you will fly.

This is Inspiration For Elevation W/ Calvin N. Kwei. Leaving Your Thoughts In The Comment Section Will Be Greatly Appreciated. Thanks For Your Time.

Be Patient, You Will Soon Fly.

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Re-visit Your Plans.

Best selling author Alan Lakein once stated, “Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.”

My first blog of the year was to remind you, my precious reader, that planning is as important as dreaming. You need to take some time out to think of how to bring your dreams from the realm of imagination and desire to reality. A dreamer without a plan is like an orator on a stage with no audience.

But sometimes we can lose focus on our plan and do things we never intended to do. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes opportunities come our way that we did not plan for. Mostly, we succeed when we go along with them. But this does not occur often.

Many people made great plans for the year, which have the ability to move them to the level they desire, only if they will follow the plan. Have you let go of your plan? Like Lakein said, planning helps you do something about your future. You have the ability to be great but if you don’t re-visit your plans and live accordingly, you may not get to your desired destination.

Get back to your path to greatness and stay faithful to the process.

This Is Inspiration For Elevation w/ Calvin N. Kwei


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“Hated For My Dream”.

Former prime minister of Egypt, Joseph (from the Bible) once said to his brothers, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” [Genesis 50:20]

Sometimes the reason we ride the rollercoaster of hatred, malice, discouragement and all the negative vibes that come from other people is a result of our decision to pursue a dream we have set our hearts on, to accomplish.

The Biblical figure Joseph was not speaking of a fictional character he wanted to imitate. Neither was he seeking to become a threat to the greatness embedded in his brothers. But sharing a revelation he had seen about his own self, made him a target of the hatred of the people he loved the most—his blood brothers.

Isn’t it saddening to know that many people have become the target of hatred for believing in something bigger than themselves? Are you being ill-treated because of your dreams? Please don’t give up. Fight through it and let the greatness in you emerge.

From time memorial, great dreamers have gone through hell. But that is not an indication that they cannot be great. You will be great if you choose to MOVE anyway.

This Is Inspiration For Elevation w/ Calvin N. Kwei.
–Hated For My Dream–

Please your likes and comments will be appreciated.

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Be A Master Of Your Craft.

Albert Einstein once said, “Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason, mastery demands all of a person.”

All men and women have been given great gifts and talents by God, with which they can alter the trajectory of their lives and those around them. We are all blessed but why is it  that some people tend to produce more than others?  The truth is, it is not really about how much one has, but how well one decides to master what he or she has.

Like Albert Einstein said, we have to put our all into what we love to become better at it. Yes, it will take time, but with patience and perseverance, we will get there. Spend more time chasing your dreams than anything else. The party and other things can come after your dreams have come into being.

Sometimes, becoming a master at our craft involves stepping away from the norm in order to get a higher perspective with which we can run. Sometimes it involves spending more time behind the midnight candle. Do you have to take a class or read more books to become that master? Invest your best to become the best at you do. Remember, becoming the best does not necessarily mean surpassing everyone in your circle but pushing yourself to the highest limit– living to your full potential.

This is the key to getting attention and making the impact you most desire. Do your best and God will do the rest. You are great on the inside and it takes mastery to bring it out. You can make it.

This Is Inspiration For Elevation w/ Calvin N. Kwei.

—Be A Master Of Your Craft—

Please don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comment section.

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Take The Next Step.

The famous quote by Lao Tzu that states, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step”, still holds water. But it is quite unfortunate that all some people do is to take the first step.

Whatever your dreams may be, you may have taken the first step to bring you to where you are. But is that all you plan to do? Are you going to quit after earning the degree, starting the website or even talking to a few people about your goals? Will you stop training after this long? Will you give up all you have put in so far?

Please don’t! You have the ability to be great inside you and you have to take the next step that will help you bring that greatness out. Whether it is in the area of academics, business, family or in your personal life, there is a next step to be taken. It is the step that will bring you closer to your goal. That is where your real Joy will be found.

Your future is intact but the way to get to it is to not stay where you are. You get there by being on the move and striving for the best you can ever be. If you need a team for your dream to become a reality, go for it. Yes, sometimes there is a fear of the unknown but when you’re afraid, let that fear push you one step closer to your destination, rather than paralyzing you.

There is greatness in you.

This Is Inspiration For Elevation w/ Calvin N. Kwei.


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Take The First Step.

According to Martin Luther King Jr, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”

There is an inexplicable joy that fills the heart of a parent as they see their adorable child take the first step. Shouting, clapping, and tears of joy sometimes fill the environment because it is a great accomplishment. Whatever your age is, there is always a joy that feels your heart and that of your loved ones when you take a step towards your dreams.

Whether it is in business, education or everyday life, there are many steps to be taken to the destiny God has for us. To one person, the first step could be taking a class or meeting new people who will help in the furtherance of the dream. Whether you can imagine yourself starting a business or a ministry, you have to TAKE THE FIRST STEP.

Make the first call, go to the first meeting or whatever you need to do. The key to achieving the big goal is to take the first step. If you have already taken your first step, GOOD JOB. You have to be consistent, let go of any source of discouragement, and believe in yourself irrespective of what you may be going through.

This Is Inspiration For Elevation w/ Calvin N. Kwei.

Take The First Step. All Dreams Are Achievable.

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Dreams Need Plans.

Pablo Picasso said, “Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.”

Yes, we all have dreams and we desire to see them come into manifestation but the question is, how do we intend to do it? How do you intend to be that author, runner, designer or doctor? How do you intend to free yourself from becoming another statistic of society? Yes, your friends know you want to inspire others to greatness, but how?

In this year 2018, is need a well-thought plan. A plan that will guide you where you desire to be the most. It might require that you cut off some friends and lay aside some behaviors but at the end, it will be worth it. I once heard a great man say, “planning is winning.”

You have the winner on the inside but what matters most is that it comes to the outside and that requires a plan. Even though I can write ten pages on why we need a plan, it all sums up to one thing: it is the key to the manifestation of any great dream. A plan does not have to be delicate. It should be in your words, style and even your own language so you can understand. Write down a plan for your dream, run with it and see how much you can accomplish. Until I come your way again, I’m off to write down my plan.


This Is Inspiration For Elevation w/ Calvin N. Kwei.

—Dreams Need Plans—-

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The Tomorrow That Never Comes.

If you read the title and thought of the word procrastination, you thought right. Charles Dickens once said, “my advice is to never do tomorrow what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time.”

There are people with great dreams that when allowed to materialize, will change the course of human endeavor. They can build machines and create products to support that will make life easier. But what do they do? Hope for the tomorrow that never comes to take action.

Have you ever wondered why so many dreams do not come true? Are you that kind of person who said he/she will start a business or go back to school and never did? Could it be as a result of the fear of the unknown? There are people who never begin because they are not sure of what will happen. And there are others who never begin as a result of the fear of failure.

The button line is that they push the days back, not doing what they have to do. Procrastination has crashed the dreams of many people and it is time do that thing we said we want to do. Do today what you planned to do today. That is the only way to keep forging forward.

This is Inspiration For Elevation w/ Calvin N. Kwei.
The Tomorrow That Never Comes.

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Be Consistent.


Richard G. Scott, an American scientist and religious leader once said, “you become what you want to be by consistently being what you want to become each day. ”

Have you ever said you will do something every day only to stop, or better still “pause” on the third day? If yes, this one area you have to keep a check on. More than once in a lifetime, you will come across people who start something and never finish it. They say they will write and they stop at one point.

There is nothing to debate about the fact that we are sometimes discouraged, hurt, confused, or we just lose the desire to keep pushing. But that should not stop you from pushing. Having a bad day sometimes, is part of the human experience. The negatives will come, but you have to stay determined and consistent.

When an army stops training, how can they protect the inhabitants of their nations, cities, etc.?  They will become losers and miss out on the great moments lying ahead. You have to keep ACTING on your dreams. Keep singing, writing (songs, books, blogs etc.) and doing every GOOD thing you are doing.  You will be honored one day if you can stay CONSISTENT.

This is Inspiration For Elevation w/ Calvin N. Kwei.  Stay Blessed and Consistent.

——Be Consistent In The Pursuit Of Your Dreams——


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Don’t Allow Bad Occurrences To Stop You.

Robert H. Schuller once said, “Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.” Michael Jordan also said, “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”

Have you ever heard someone say stuff happens? Yeah, both good and bad things happen to us every now and then. In the days of good happenings, we thank God and jubilate. And when bad things happen, we tend to run out of the door. It’s quite unfortunate how many people say they believe in their dreams but quit at challenging times.

Is it another relationship gone bad? Are you discouraged by a trusted friend or confused and don’t know what to do? I don’t know your situation, but you also have to know that that should not stop you. Your dreams are still depending on you to be achieved. Those words are still in you to write the book. The pencil in your book bag can still draw. There are people waiting for you to give your first, second and hundredth speech. Why allow what is happening now to stop you from experiencing the glorious life God has in store for you?


This Is Inspiration For Elevation w/ Calvin N. Kwei.

Don’t allow bad occurrences to stop you.

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